Just put your cart away

There are things in this world I will never understand.

I’m not talking about those things that will keep you up late at night like thinking about how big the universe is, and how there has to aliens out their somewhere and if they come it’s most likely going to be bad news. I’m talking about the little day-to-day things.

I’m sure some of it comes with age, but a lot of it comes with common sense, and how I’m pretty sure that 50 percent of the general population lacks it.

I always find myself whining about Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but I can’t seem to pull myself away from checking it multiple times a day. I’m hooked.

With the new forms of social media, “selfies” have become part of society. I’ll admit, I’ve taken a few, but I can count them all on one hand.

What truly baffles is me is the people who will take about ten a day and change their profile pictures more often than they change their underwear, which I really hope is daily.

I just find something vein about standing in front of a mirror and taking shot after shot to find the perfect one. There is nothing wrong with having some self-worth, but it’s getting overboard.

It can’t be just a smile anymore in pictures either. It’s sometimes that awkward duck face that makes people look like their headed for a weekend at the Jersey Shore. You’ll even find weird ones where people will cover their mouths or pose in some really ridiculous way. Is this is what people do in their regular lives? When they introduce themselves to new people, do they do it with their hand covering their mouth?

It just gets really old. Nobody is going to forget what you look like. Unless you’re Bruce Jenner and transforming to a different gender, 20 profile picture changes a week is probably not necessary.

Common sense is that people probably don’t want to see 900 pictures a week.

Is this really what society has become? As someone who takes pictures all the time for work, what’s wrong with a good old fashioned picture taken by someone else?

But hey, if you want to hang out of a tree taking a selfie and that’s your thing, go for it, I’ll just never understand it.

I’ll also never understand what can be so hard about returning a shopping cart to the proper place.

Driving into a parking lot anymore can be a war zone, especially if it’s windy. Just the other day, I had one coming at my new car and I couldn’t get out of the way.

It didn’t do any damage, but if it would have been put away I wouldn’t have been so nervous.

What could possibly prevent someone taking the extra minute to put it back?

It’s not that hard and it helps everyone out.

The worst is when they will leave it about five feet from the cart stack. You made the effort, what is five more feet going to hurt?

I’m sure these are the same type of people that would go absolutely crazy if a cart hit their vehicle. Unfortunately, it’s probably the people who put away carts, that have their vehicles dinged.

Since I first learned to drive at 16, I have never understood why people tailgate. It just seems dangerous and the people that do it on the Interstate, really seem to lake the aforementioned common sense.

To me it seems that if someone is going 75 miles per hour, they wouldn’t want to leave a little distance between them and the vehicle in front of them.

There are so many things that could go wrong on the highway, and having someone that close to you can only make it worse for them.

The destination will still be there five seconds later. No need to risk hurting yourselves or the other driver as you slam into the back of them.

I thought that with all the selfies that people love themselves so much they would never venture into harms way. It just doesn’t make sense.


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