Wendling chooses county role

Plans resignation from school board position



Believing he could be more effective as a Sweetwater County commissioner, Randal “Doc” Wendling announced he would resign from the Sweetwater County School District No. 1 Board of Trustees Monday.

Wendling won election to the Sweetwater County Board of County Commissioners in November, but was also elected to the school board in Rock Springs, having actively campaigned for both positions. However, the Sweetwater County Commissioners filed a complaint for declatory judgement Nov. 24, asking a judge to weigh in on the legality of Wendling accepting both positions.

In a statement from his attorney, Adam Phillips, Wending stated he didn’t want to “cause unnecessary drama” for the county, stating concerns about the monetary costs the county would incur as a result of the legal dispute involving his appointment to two elected positions.

“I am a man of my word, and I had to do all I could to show the voters I will listen to them and follow through with all my promises to the best of my ability,” Wending said about pursuing both roles in his media release.

Initially, Wending responded to the complaint through his attorney and the release states he fully intended to challenge the statute.

Sweetwater County Commissioner Don Van Matre said he’s happy to see the issue get resolved and looks forward to working with Wendling in the coming year.

“I’m really glad we have this thing resolved,” Van Matre said. “Doc’s a great guy.”

Van Matre said the declatory judgement is a moot issue at this point as Wendling opted to chose one position over the other.

“The future is bright for both the school board and the county commissioners, I look forward to the challenges and will do all I can to support Sweetwater County,” Wendling said in the release.

Phillips said Wending declined additional comment.


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