Toddlers learn new songs

Despite the cold and snowy weather, parents still brought their children to the Sweetwater County Library toddler time.

Every Monday, starting at 10:30 a.m., youth services department employees at the library host toddler time, which is an early literacy program designed to get children listening to books at a very young age.

During this toddler time, youth services librarian Becky Iwen, focused the program around getting ready for bed. The toddlers were asked what they do to prepare for bed, they talked about combing their hair, brushing their teeth and putting their pajamas on.

They then read a few books related to getting ready for bed, including "Llama, Llama, Nighty Night."

The kids had a great time listening to the books and couple of the kids tried to wander around as toddlers do, but then their mothers or fathers would get them and have them sit on the circular cushions. All of this is normal at toddler time as the children learn how to sit and listen.

Not only did the children get to listen to books being read, they sang songs with Iwen, including "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," "Time for Bed," "Star Light, Star Bright," "Thelma Thumb," and "The More we get Together."

During these songs, the children learn hand movements to them, which is great for hand-eye coordination.

They group also sang a song about five little animals sitting on the bed. Before singing this song, Iwen set out five different animals puppets. While singing this song, whenever they would get to the part about an animal rolling off of the bed, Iwen would toss the stuffed animal behind a cardboard backdrop. This would cause the kids to laugh and laugh. At the very end of the song, only one animal remained and the kids thought she was once again going to toss the stuffed animal over the backdrop, but she didn't. Iwen had the little animal just say "goodnight" and pretend to sleep.

Once all the activities were over, Iwen handed out cereal snacks to the children and encouraged their parents to read books to them.

After books were read, some of the children made their way to the tables and colored a picture of three stars. With all activities completed, the toddlers and their parents then made their way out of the room.


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