Summer food program continues

Making sure children eat well during the summer months is something Sweetwater County School District No. 2 is committed to.

Throughout the summer and until Aug. 18, kids in Green River can eat breakfast and lunch for free.

Linda Martin, District No. 2 nutrition services director, said the federally-funded program allows kids ages three through 18 to eat breakfast and lunch for free.

“As long as they can eat a sandwich, they are welcome to come,” Martin said.

The breakfasts are served at Truman and Jackson elementary schools from 9-10 a.m. Monday through Friday, while breakfasts at Rock Butte Apartments are served from 8:30-9:30 a.m. Rock Butte Apartments are located at the corner of Bridger Drive and East Teton Boulevard.

Lunches are served from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Lincoln Middle School, Truman and Jackson elementary schools; and from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Rock Butte Apartments.

Cold breakfasts and lunches will be served through Aug. 11, except Rock Butte Apartments will continue to serve them until Aug. 18. All of the schools provide cold breakfasts and hot lunches, while Rock Butte Apartments provides cold breakfasts and lunches. Rock Butte’s lunches will consist of a sandwich, veggies, fruit and baked chips, while the hot lunches will include hamburgers, pizza, burritos, chicken nuggets and corn dogs.

“We try to stick to things that kids really like and meet the nutrition standards,” Martin said.

All of the foods are made with whole grains, low-fat cheese and low sodium products.

“But it still tastes great,” Martin said reassuringly.

For the cold breakfasts, children can have a cereal bar, granola bar, cold cereal or a whole-grain Pop-Tart. They can pick two bread items and then have juice and milk.

Martin said the program is paid for through a special grant she applies for every year. To obtain this grant the community must either have a school that has 50 percent of its population on free or reduced lunches or the census for the area has to show a high poverty level.

She said this just isn’t for kids who are on the free or reduced lunch program, it’s open to all kids.

“Anybody can come. No stipulations. No questions asked. Everybody’s welcome,” Martin said.

She said for a lot of kids, both parents work and its a chance for them to meet their friends for lunch or make new friends.

It’s also a way for them to have something different to eat.

“This program really helps families who might not be destitute, but have needs,” Martin said.

On average, the program has served 200-300 children a day. Martin is encouraging more children to come.

Those who would like more information can call Martin at 872-5511 or Leah Kenison at 872-5517.


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