The difference a line can make

Producing a newspaper week in and week out can be an intense process and sometimes items make it to print in a way that has some unintended consequences.

This was the case last week with the unfortunate placement of a dodgeball photo over an article regarding an alleged sexual assault.

The photo itself was one of my favorites from the Make-A-Wish dodgeball event.

The look of “I’ll get you back” on Green River High School student Candon Croft’s face as he dropped his dodge balls was what sold it for me and I wanted to place it in the newspaper.

My placement of that image above the story could have been much better.

At very least, a line dividing the image and the story should have been placed, which would better divided the two.

Boxing the photo or the story would have also served a better method of separating the two.

To Croft, who probably weathered a storm of ribbing from friends during the past week, we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you or your family.


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