Serving those who served

Green River students had the opportunity to serve those who served this country.

During the Golden Hour Senior Center's Veteran's Day lunch, Expedition Academy students were busy serving food to local veterans and their guests. The dining room was nearly packed with residents enjoying a French dip sandwich, veggies, salad and dessert.

When the GHSC hosts special meals like this one, they make sure to have volunteers help them serve the meals. This time, students from Expedition Academy were on hand to help out.

The students were busy pouring coffee, carrying plates to tables and cleaning up the leftovers.

Expedition Academy counselor Andrea Steffen said the students really get a feeling of community belonging when they complete community service projects like this one.

"We get to show the veterans how much they are appreciated," she said.

"They like serving. They like to come here and interact with whoever it may be."

Steffen said one student, senior Cody Childress, was really looking forward to serving veterans because he wants to join the military when he graduates.

"It's a real honor to serve them and help out," Childress said. "They all put their life on the line to help us and make it a better country."

While Childress is serving meals to the veterans he asks them what branch of the military they were in and why they chose that particular branch. He said it is always interesting to find out how veterans decided which branch to join.

"It's always good to ask questions," he said.

Having conversations with those who have served makes Childress feel better about the decision he is going to have to make.

Childress said he has a couple of friends who just joined a branch of military without researching it or asking questions about the different branches.

He said they are now unhappy with the decisions they made.

Childress was using his volunteer time to find out more information he can use in the future.

"That's the way you move forward. You set goals," he said.


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