Local artist designs mine rescue logo

Local mine rescuer and artist Jeiremy Gomez recently had his logo design chosen to represent the Holmes Mine Rescue Association (HMRA).

"A bunch of the art I've been working on is kind of inspired by mine rescue," Gomez said.

Gomez is a member of the HMRA so to have his logo represent the association was quite an honor for him.

"Of course I was really excited," Gomez said. "I do a lot of logo design and artwork, and it was just kind of being in the right place at the right time."

An executive board member at HMRA approached Gomez about possibly designing a logo, to which Gomez responded absolutely. He submitted some designs and the board chose one.

"I am a mine rescuer, and my passions are art and mine rescue, so it means a lot to have my artwork chosen for this logo," he said.

HMRA aims to keep miners safe and improve safety throughout the mining industry.

The logo designed by Gomez shows a mine rescuer framed inside of a shield.

Gomez said mine rescuers are the brave people who risk their lives by going underground to save lives.

The shield in the logo symbolizes their role as protector.

Gomez has been a member of the Green River Arts Council for several years, serving as chair for a few years. He has done a lot of design work as well as cooperative works for the monuments in the city. However, his most prideful work while with the arts council is his work with the Thomas Moran Mining Memorial Park.

"I wanted a park honoring miners and what mining means to Green River," he said. "I'm really excited to have that park for the city."

Later this summer, Gomez will be participating in Art on the Green.

"I haven't been able to participate the last couple years because I was chairman of the arts council, but I'm excited to be able to participate this year," he said.


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