Police Reports

Officers responded to a noise complaint of loud music coming from a vehicle on Arkansas Drive. The owner of the vehicle was contacted, given a warning and turned the music down.

Officers received a report of suspicious odor of something burning from a residence the reporting party walked by on Hitching Post Drive. Officers contacted the resident at the address, who advised everything was okay.

Animal control officers located a yellow labrador at large on Hitching Post Drive and Stage Place, which was taken to the animal shelter.

Officers met an individual at the police department who reported they had a piece of jewelry stolen. Officers completed a report regarding the incident, which is under investigation.

Officers responded to a two-vehicle collision at 73 Uinta Drive. It was reported a vehicle was stopped at a stop sign at the driveway entrance for a business. The vehicle attempted to pull into traffic on Uinta Drive, stopped and reversed backing into a vehicle behind them. No injuries were reported. Jesse Flores, 26, of Green River, was issued a citation for alleged inattentive driving.

Officers assisted Wyoming Probation and Parole agents on South Wagonwheel Drive. Contact was made with Christopher Cummings, 43, of Green River, who was arrested on an arrest-and-hold order for an alleged probation violation.

Officers responded to a report of a disturbance on Davy Crockett Drive. Officers contacted the involved parties who both asked that trespass warnings be issued to the other for their respective addresses. Officers completed a report regarding the incident.

Officers contacted an individual by phone who had questions regarding possible suspicious activity. Officers completed a report regarding the incident.

Officers contacted an individual by phone who had questions about a civil matter.

Officers responded to a report of damage to a parked vehicle at the address on Uinta Drive. Officers completed a report regarding the incident.

Officers are investigating a report that a vehicle was struck by another vehicle at 1155 W. Flaming Gorge Way, causing minor damage to the vehicle.

Officers were contacted by an individual who wanted a trespass warning issued to another individual for their property. Officers contacted the individual who was issued the trespass warning.

Thomas Garrey, 25, of Rock Springs, was arrested per an active Sweetwater County warrant for an alleged probation revocation.

Animal control officers located horses that were outside of their corrals at 200 E. Teton Blvd. The horses were returned to their corral.

Officers assisted Castle Rock Ambulance Service on a medical call.

Officers responded to a request for a civil standby on South 5th West.

Officers were dispatched to a 911 hang-up call. Upon arrival, officers contacted an employee and determined the call was accidental.

Officers responded to a report of a juvenile problem. Officers contacted the juveniles who advised they entered a building to get out of the rain.

Officers received a parking complaint of a vehicle with expired registration in a parking lot at 905 Bridger Drive.

Officers responded to a report of damage to a door at a residence on West Railroad Avenue. Officers contacted the reporting party who advised the damage had been repaired prior to officers arrival. Officers completed a report regarding the incident, which is under investigation.

Officers responded to a report of an altercation that stemmed from a civil dispute on East 3rd South. Officers contacted the involved parties, two of which wanted a trespass warning issued to an individual for their properties. The trespass warnings were issued to the individual. Officers completed a report regarding the incident, which was forwarded to the Sweetwater County Attorney’s office.

Officers responded to a report of a disturbance. Officers contacted the involved parties who had a verbal dispute.

Officers attempted to locate a vehicle described in a traffic complaint.

Officers assisted Castle Rock Ambulance Service on a medical call.

Officers attempted to locate a vehicle described in a traffic complaint on Riverview Drive and Uinta Drive, as speeding and throwing items out of the vehicle.

Officers received a noise complaint of loud music on Indian Hills Drive. Officers checked the property which was quiet and were unable to contact the resident.

Officers met with a resident who reported a nuisance property on New Mexico Street.

Officers were out with individuals for work restitution at 1795 Bridger Drive.

Officers assisted Wyoming Probation and Parole at their Adult Green River Office.

Officers responded to a welfare check on an individual the reporting party has not been able to get a hold of to deliver a message. Officers contacted the individual, delivered the message and was advised to contact the concerned party.

Officers met with individuals at the police department who had questions about a civil matter regarding property.

Officers assisted individuals at the 4H Barn who had difficulty turning the water off at 180 E. Teton Blvd.

Animal control officers received a call of two dogs at large on Schultz Street. Animal control officers caught one of the dogs and followed the other dog to its residence.

Animal control officers attempted to contact an individual on Iowa Avenue, in reference to a possible violation of a court order.

Officers located a dog at large on Riverview Drive, that was returned to its owner who was looking for the dog.

Officers received a call of a five-day parking violation on North 1st East. Officers contacted a responsible party for the vehicle who advised they would have it moved.

Officers responded to a third party report of a possible larceny at 599 E. 4th South. Officers contacted individuals regarding the incident and completed an informational report.

Officers responded to a report of juveniles seen outside a vacant property that appeared to have been damaged. Officers completed a report regarding the incident, which is under investigation.

Officers were dispatched to a report of a missing child. The child returned home while officers were at the residence. The child was OK and had been playing at a friend’s house without telling their parents.

Officers responded to a civil dispute regarding property. Officers were requested for a civil standby and one of the involved parties wanted a trespass warning issued to the other for their property.

Officers received a noise complaint in reference to cleaning equipment being used at the property at 515 E. Flaming Gorge Way.

Officers were dispatched to an alarm on Arizona Street. Officers checked the property which was secure.

Officers assisted Castle Rock Ambulance Service on a medical call.

Officers were dispatched to a 911 hang-up call, which appeared to be result of a child playing with a phone.

Officers received a call in reference to children with a lawn mower and weed trimmer asking if they could mow individuals lawn. The reporting party was concerned for the juveniles safety in operating the equipment. Officers contacted the juveniles whose parents knew they were trying to find lawns to mow to earn money.

Officers contacted residents at an address following a request for a welfare check.

Animal control officers went to an address on Wilderness Trail for a call of a rabbit caught in a trap.

Officers met with a resident who reported medications and money were taken from their residence on Mansface Street. Officers completed a report regarding the incident, which is under investigation.

Animal control officers received a call of a yellow lab at large. The dog returned to its residence on Shoshone Avenue.

Officers responded to a report of suspicious person walking through the neighborhood looking in yards.

Officers checked the area on Georgia Way, and were unable to locate the individual who a resident reported was going door-to-door attempting to sell items.

Officers responded to a citizen assist. The individual requested medical service and Castle Rock Ambulance Service responded to the address.

Officers were contacted in reference to a report of shoplifting that occurred the previous day at 59 Uinta Drive. Officers completed a report regarding the incident, which is under investigation.

Officers and Green River Fire Department were dispatched to a report of a few gallons of spilled fuel. No fire was reported.

Officers received a barking dog complaint on Florida Drive. Officers contacted the owner of the dog, who was advised of the complaint and given a warning.

Officers checked on a vehicle parked outside the cemetery.

Officers were dispatched to an alarm at 1050 W. Flaming Gorge Way. A responsible party for the property arrived at the property. The property was checked and appeared OK.

A traffic warning was given for an equipment violation on Upland Way and Iowa Circle.

Officers were dispatched to an alarm at 250 Monroe Avenue. Officers checked the property which was secure and appeared.

Officers received a call of a dark brown dog with a collar at large at 445 E. Flaming Gorge Way. The dog was located and taken to the animal shelter.


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