Managing green waste

Spring did officially start last weekend and though there is snow on the ground today, now is still the right time to be thinking about the garden. The solid waste team here at the city doesn’t just handle curb side trash pickup, we also manage “green waste”.

Beginning in April we will be setting out the “green waste” dumpsters again in several convenient locations. These dumpsters are for yard clippings, grass and leaves, etc. Basically, almost anything green from your yard can go in one of theses. But as a friendly reminder, plastic bags are not permitted in the “green waste” dumpsters because that cannot be composted with the rest of the garden scraps and so they contaminate the entire load. Please empty the bag directly in the dumpster or use paper garden bags because those will decompose.

Grass clippings, leaves, tree limbs and other yard wastes are valuable resources when they are properly collected. At the City of Green River Solid Waste, we are working with our community to provide convenient ways for residents to dispose of these kinds of organic materials, which can be turned into inexpensive compost or mulch, prized by local gardeners and other agricultural operations. We keep a compost pile at the city dump and it’s free! So later this season when you are preparing your garden beds, stop by the landfill for some great nutrients that will enrich your soil.

Below is some useful information that will make your yard work this spring a little easier and that will help solid waste too.

• The yard waste site accepts yard waste only. No plastic of any kind, including garbage bags. Paper yard waste bags are acceptable and can be purchased at local retailers.

• Empty grass clippings, leaves, and small branches into the provided dumpsters. Please don’t leave your plastic bags in or around dumping area.

• Large tree branches/stumps or clumps of dirt will not be accepted. Brush and limbs must be 3 inches in diameter or less to be considered as yard waste.

• Landscaping material including rocks, bricks and t-posts are prohibited.

• This service is not for commercial operators, but for residents only.

• Dumping materials other than yard waste is strictly forbidden and is considered illegal dumping.

• Contaminated loads will not be composted and will be dumped in with the trash at the landfill (which completely defeats the purpose).

• Illegal dumping is subject to a maximum $750.00 fine. To report illegal dumping, call 875-1400.

“Green Waste” Location Sites: Sites have been consolidated to save on resources: Please remember, these are not garbage drop sites:

Public Works - 10 dumpsters will be available by mid-April, four are available now

Lincoln School - 10 dumpsters will be available by mid-April

Railroad Avenue parking lot - four dumpsters will be available by mid-April

By following these guidelines and diverting yard waste from landfills we can return nutrient-rich products back to the soil, benefiting our local environment and yourgarden. Thank you for your help in making this program successful. Any questions for disposal of green waste or other items, please contact the solid waste office.


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