Larceny is most reported crime in GR

Is Green River safe?

According to a quarterly study, the crime that happens most often in Green River and across the state is theft; larceny specifically.

According to the third quarter report of crime in Wyoming in 2015, from the uniform crime reporting division of criminal investigation office of the attorney general, the highest percentage of crime in Wyoming during the third-quarter of 2015 was larceny, at 71 percent. Looking at previous quarters of 2015, larceny is the lead crime across Wyoming through out the year.

During the third quarter, following suit with 18 percent, is burglary and motorized vehicle theft.

Sweetwater County ranks fourth in line in terms of larceny crimes in the state. By taking a closer look though, it is evident that Rock Springs carried the majority of the weight in crime.

Green River’s larceny count in the third quarter of 2015, at 30, was a third of what Rock Springs’ was, at 102. Larceny crimes reported through the Sheriff’s office was half of Green River’s count, at 15.

Green River for the most part seems relatively safe. As far as theft goes, Green River’s numbers are relatively low compared to other Wyoming cities.

The highest county in the third quarter for larceny was Natrona County, at 462. The bulk of Natrona’s larceny is carried by Casper, with 401.

To help keep Green River’s crime down, the Green River Police Department does some preventative actions. GRPD Public Relations officer Luke Benson said the officers do prevention patrols.

They check on businesses after hours as well as residential areas. He encourages residents to call in suspicious activity to the police department.

“It doesn’t hurt to give us a phone call,” Benson said. “It may not be something, but if we catch someone, it will help stop a possible string of burglaries or larcenies.”

Benson said Green River seldom gets forced burglaries. He said it is more common in Green River for a theft to occur when it is opportunistic for the perpetrator. Theft crimes Green River does see are crimes of opportunity.

“We may live in Green River, Wyoming, but it is always a good idea to keep your windows rolled up and doors locked,” Benson said. “Keep your porch lights on.”

He said someone who is thinking of committing a crime is more likely to follow through if they have a good chance of not being seen.


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