City insurance rank improves

Home insurance rates might lower for Green River residents after a new rating for the city was issued by the Insurance Service Office.

The ISO rates cities on a variety of criteria regarding how well-prepared a city is to deal with a fire, which include fire department response times and how high a city’s fire flows are within its water system.

Green River was upgraded from a four rating to a three, which goes into effect March 2016. The ratings ISO gives are based on a 10-point scale with one being the best rating a municipality can receive.

“The community protection baseline information gathered by ISO is an essential foundation upon which determination of the relative level of fire protection is made using the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule,” a letter from ISO to the city, states.

ISO ratings are used by insurance companies to determine what coverage they will offer, which businesses they would write and the prices charged for personal and commercial property insurance. As a result, the improved rating could mean residents may see a decrease in their insurance rates.

Green River Fire Chief Mike Kennedy said the improved rating is something the city has worked on for a number of years. The outgoing fire chief said ISO gave its last rating for the city 15 years ago. Kennedy said the city attempted to earn a three rating then, but was rated four due to the condition of its water system.

City Administrator Reed Clevenger said it was exciting to receive a letter confirming the city’s new ISO rating. He said the rating reflects the training the city’s volunteer fire department continues to provide its firefighters as well as the improvements the city has made to its water system. He said ISO will soon switch to rating communities every 4-5 years as opposed to its 15-year review schedule.

According to the letter the city received, the rating also provides fire departments with a benchmark and is frequently used by departments in planning and justifying fire prevention improvements.


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