Residents can learn how to shop wisely for presents

With the holidays approaching quickly, the Sweetwater County Library System has a couple of upcoming events to help people make the most of their holiday shopping budget.

The library system is hosting two Thrifty Holiday Shopping events in November.

The first will be at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Sweetwater County Library.

The second event will be at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 19 at White Mountain Library.

The classes will be taught by local couponing and discount shopping expert Bridgette Nielsen, who has taught several couponing classes through the library system and in the community.

“The biggest savings happen the week before and of Thanksgiving,” Nielsen said.

She will share tricks and tips for finding those sales and making the most of them.

But the holidays are not the only time that big savings happen – after-Christmas sales often offer big savings.

Nielsen will be teaching and After-Christmas Super Savings class at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 9 at White Mountain Library.


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