Nerf Wars raise money for Make-a-Wish

The Green River High School Gymnasium, usually the home of the boys and girls basketball teams, was transformed Monday night into something a little different.

Foam barriers, tires and plastic barrels were placed strategically across the gym. Teams, armed with toy guns, took turns weaving and dodging across the scene in their quest for glory.

Two flags were positioned at opposite sides of the arena and teams were tasked with either stealing their opponents' flag or eliminating the opposing team by blasting their members with their foam-launching weaponry.

Monday night's Nerf Wars were one of the many fundraisers hosted by high school students across Sweetwater County for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Amanda Santhuff, the student council sponsor at GRHS said the event typically raises between $400 and $500. Students participating were required to donate $5, while spectators paid $3.

Initially when students proposed the idea a few years ago, Santhuff and a few of the other teachers were concerned whether the event would even get approved by the school's administration. When the event was approved, Santhuff recalls being surprised by the decision. With any activity involving projectiles, safety does come first and students were required to abide by a strict set of rules. For example, students couldn't purposely aim for someone's face while playing and everyone participating were required to wear safety glasses.

This year was also the first year students from Rock Springs High School participated in the event. Santhuff said the Make- A-Wish donation drive, originally a competition between the Green River and Rock Springs high schools, was consolidated into a group effort -- ditching the usual rivalry between the schools.


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