Sweetwater communities unite for cause

For the first time, the Green River, Rock Springs and Farson high schools are teaming up to raise as much as they can for Make-A-Wish.

“Make-A-Wish is so important because we have brought awareness that there are young children with life-threatening illnesses out there. And that this nonprofit organization allows for these you children to have hope, to be happy and to feel special,” Amanda Santhuff, GRHS teacher and Student Council Sponsor said.

In the past, the schools have participated in a friendly rivalry to see which schools could bring in the most donations for the cause, but last year the schools united and determined the rivalry should be set aside for the cause.

A joint press release from the GRHS, RSHS and FHS Student Councils stated, “As individual communities we have focused on a competition, however, last year we decided we could accomplish more as a team. We have decided to make this a Sweetwater County High Schools’ Fundraiser. In doing this, we will no longer separate Rock Springs vs. Green River vs. Farson will be included and the three of us will be working together for one grand total. Business donations, personal donations and all other forms of donations will go towards a county total.”

The official Make-A-Wish fundraising campaign will kick off Thursday and run through Feb. 19.

“The goal we have set is $100,000. We have raised this much before, and I believe if the communities see that these students in both communities care enough about it to work together, that the support is here,” she said. “This is a little less than what we raised as a whole last year, but goals are set to achieve; and last year was a single goal, not a community goal.”

The letter states “As a county we have donated over $500,000 to Make-A-Wish Wyoming. In our 12 year we are hoping to raise $100,000 in two weeks. We have reached this goal in the past and hope with your help we can once more.”

“I am so excited to see the turn out for this combined goal. I have had the opportunity to work as the sponsor in Rock Springs and in Green River for nine of the 12 years,” Santhuff said. “I love this organization, and I knew that it would eventually come this. There is just so much time and effort that goes into this event that why not build a stronger foundation and work together.”

Although a goal of $100,000 is set, Santhuff is hoping for more with the joint effort.

“I believe it will bring in more because we are not pressuring businesses to choose a side, we are not pressuring families to pick a side, rather we are asking they support the one cause,” she said.

Both schools will be hosting fundraising events at the schools and around the cities.

“The daily events bring awareness to all the students, we involve all grade levels so by including the day time events we allow those that would not participate outside of school,” she said. “You can ask any kids that belongs to Sweetwater County School District No. 2 and they know what Make-A Wish is. They understand, plus it builds a community among the schools.

Make-A-Wish Schedule

Thursday, Feb. 5

Dress Up: Class Colors (SR:Pink, JU:Blue, SO:Yellow, FR: Purple, Staff: Red)

Bon Fire at 7:30 p.m.

GRHS Parking Lot (Hot Chocolate, S’mores, and Music)

Community is Welcome

Friday, Feb. 6

Dress Up: Spirit Day

MAW Archery Shoot at the Red Barn, sponsored by White Mountain Archers from 3:30p.m. to 9 p.m.

Kick off rally (assembly schedule)

Community is Welcome

Monday, Feb. 9:

Dress Up: Nerd Day

Nerf Wars 7:30 p.m. at Green River High School

$5 to participate, ($30 per team)

Bring your own Nerf® gun and Nerf® bullets, we will provide goggles

Baskets will be set up for raffle

Community is Welcome

Tuesday, Feb. 10

Dress Up: Tacky Tourist Tuesday

GRHS and RSHS Mr. Irresistible (At RSHS) 7 p.m.

Community Welcome

Wednesday, Feb. 11:

Dress Up: Wake Up Like This Wed

Wrestling Dual at GRHS

GR vs. RS

Baskets set up for raffle


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