Deputy coroner's salary increased

Two weeks ago, the Sweetwater County commissioners voted to adjust the deputy county coroner’s salary to match other pay increases awarded to the county’s chief deputies.

Garry McLean, human resources director for the county, said the increase would bring the position’s salary to 85 percent of the total paid to the coroner. The increase brings the salary from $46,750 to $55,250 a year. The increase goes into effect on Jan. 1.

Commissioner Wally Johnson said he supported the measure, in part because the coroner, Dale Majhanovich, has rarely appeared before the commissioners seeking money. Johnson said he agrees with Majhanovich’s response to a question regarding if the coroner’s office needs more personnel if he’s replaced.

“Why would the people paying the bill want to increase the cost of the coroner’s area,” Johnson paraphrased from Majhanovich’s response during the election.

The salary change will also bring an increase into the coroner’s budget. Sweetwater County Clerk Dale Davis said there wouldn’t be enough in the budget to accommodate the raise for the next six months, which coincides with the end of the fiscal year.

Commissioner John Kolb said he couldn’t justify the increase, saying he didn’t agree with the other salary increases to 85 percent of the elected official’s rate of pay.

“It’s kind of different here,” Kolb said. “It’s a part time of a part time kind of situation. You’re not a fulltime coroner.”

Commissioner Gary Bailiff disagreed with Kolb’s assessment, saying he’s seen Majhanovich on calls with the Sweetwater County Sheriff’s Office.

“These guys earn their money,” Bailiff said. “They reach in and grab somebody and pull them out where I wouldn’t even want to get close to it.”

Bailiff said the position is important for both law enforcement and the residents of the counties their coroners serve.

The commissioners approved the salary increase in a 4-1 vote, with Kolb voting against.

The salary increase is one of many approved by the commissioners. Employees received a pay increase this year while many elected officials were brought to their legislatively mandated salary caps. The exceptions to those salary jumps were in the coroner’s position, which was increased to $65,000 a year and the commissioners themselves. The commissioners’ salaries were increased to $36,000 a year and only effects Commissioners Kolb, Reid West and Commissioner-Elect Randal Wendling.

Soon after those salary increased, the other chief deputies, serving in the Sweetwater County clerk’s, assessor’s and treasurer’s offices, along with the Clerk of District Court’s office, were increased to $85,000.


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