The work put into a product

Each year, I have the honor of putting together, designing and laying out our Salute to the troops Veterans Day special section.

It’s a time-consuming and meticulous task because I don’t want to make any mistakes, which since I am human leaves me a little bit stressed out.

I triple check that the names and photos are in the correct order and that everything looks good. I build other tabs throughout the year, but this one is different -- it’s for veterans -- for those who served or are continuing to serve in the military to ensure that I have my freedom to write the articles I want to write.

I want to give them the best product I can, which is why I take the extra time making sure everything is just right.

It’s about honoring them and giving them the respect they deserve. It’s not much, but it’s a gesture and the thought behind it that counts.

I want all veterans to know just how much I appreciate them. My father served during the time of the Vietnam War. He never talks about his experience and growing up we just knew it was something one didn’t bring up.

It was a different time then, those returning home from the war weren’t greeted with parades or welcome signs, they were often spat upon and called names.

I know there are still some Vietnam veterans that still struggle with this even after all this time has passed. America is different now than what it used to be and I for one appreciate all veterans.

Even if you don’t agree with the wars America decided to get involved in, you still have to support the troops.

They are the ones on the front lines keeping this country safe and free.

I think of the sacrifices those veterans and their families make and it’s obvious to me that freedom isn’t free.

It’s paid for by missed weddings, birthday parties, school events and even holidays. Sometimes freedom is paid when one of our own dies defending it -- the ultimate sacrifice.

All of these thoughts are running through my mind when I build this special section and that’s why I put a lot of pressure on myself to make it the best I can. It’s our way of saying “Thank you veterans for all you do.”


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