Easter carnival brings kids out

Easter decorations were placed throughout Castle Rock Rehabilitation Center to get residents and children alike in the mood for the Easter Carnival.

Children and their parents were bustling around the center Friday playing the games the center had to offer, buying raffles tickets for a chance to win a prize basket or making crafts.

One of the most popular games at the carnival, was the cake walk. Children were encouraged to walk around a circle until the music stopped. Once the music stopped, the children quickly hopped on a number closest to them hoping it would be the next number called. Sometimes their number was called and other times it wasn't.

For those whose number was called, they made their way over to a couple of tables filled with cupcakes and tried to decide which cupcake they wanted to eat.

Some picked quickly knowing already which one they wanted, while others took their time making sure they got the best one.

Mandalina Quigley and her son, Xavier Nelson, were a couple of those participating in the cake walk. Nelson was one of the lucky numbers called to win a cupcake.

For Quigley, who is an employee at CRRC, she was happy to attend the event during non working hours to show her support.

"It's fun to come and visit the residents," Quigley said.

Seeing the smiles on the residents' faces is Quigley's favorite part of not only the event, but of working at the center.

"I love coming up here," she said. "It's a lot of fun."

Those who weren't at the cake walk, were either having their photo taken with the Easter Bunny, fishing for prizes, pinning the tail on the bunny, or making bunny face crafts.


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