Fun had at scavenger hunt

Seniors at the Golden Hour Senior Center were trying their luck of the Irish during a St. Patrick's Day scavenger hunt.

Last Thursday, seniors who wanted to participate in the hunt were given a list of items they need to find throughout the center.

Apparently, pesky leprechauns hid photos of Irish-related items throughout the center for residents to find. Participants were given a Ziploc bag to put all of the pictures in. The one who collected all of them the fastest and correctly took first place. There was also a second place.

A total of 27 pictures had to be collected, including a green clover, leprechaun, pot of gold, rainbow, ace of clubs, green crayon, shamrock shaped cookie cutter, emerald green ring, string of green beans, a bar of Irish soap and a map of Ireland.

The participants wondered from room to room looking for the pictures. Some of them decided to team up so they would have a better chance of finding the hidden photos. They figured they would find more if they worked together. Others decided they would have better luck if they accomplished the hunt solo.

Some of the seniors would even wait until no one else was in the room before they would go to the piece of paper with the picture on it. They didn't want anyone else to know where it was at. They'd quickly snatch up the piece of paper, put it in their Ziploc bag and then casually walk to another room. Sometimes they were asked if they found any more. Of course, they would respond with a "No" or "You'll have to find it yourself."

After the friendly game, the seniors treated themselves to a clover-shaped sugar cookie. Then they had a special St. Patrick's Day lunch of corned beef and cabbage, potatoes with carrots and onions, relish tray, cornbread and pistachio salad.


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