Letter: 50 years of art celebrated

Dear Editor,


The Community Fine Arts Center celebrated its 50th Anniversary Saturday with enthusiasm from all who attended. The annual Community Art Show with the theme of “gold,” the live music from many talented musicians, the art placed in the fundraising auction, and the highlight of the afternoon -- unveiling the new sculpture, designed by Jennifer Messer, that will stand outside the entrance welcoming visitors to the CFAC -- all reflect that word “community “ in our name.

When I first moved to Rock Springs 35 years ago, I was told, and then I saw it myself, that it is the people of the area that make this a good place to live.  And finding the CFAC with such an amazing art collection told me that the arts were valued here. The collaboration between Sweetwater County School District No. 1, the City of Rock Springs and Sweetwater County through the county’s library system proves that working together can accomplish great things.

The celebration Saturday could not have happened without the generosity of so many people in Sweetwater County.  Thank you to the individuals and businesses who contributed to the sculpture fund, the many artists who donated work for the silent auction, musicians Cliff Wittstruck, Jason Dreher, the RSHS Jazz Combo, Sweetwater BOCES Strings, Ann Maria Mattila, Svetlana Martin, Chuck Dittman and Steve Davis, the wonderful refreshments by culinary artist Eve Piza and the Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County, and Western Wyoming Beverages.

The members of the CFAC Advisory Board, with the help of the Sweetwater County Library Foundation, worked together to make this sculpture project and celebration successful. Thank you for volunteering to serve our community -- board chair RJ Pieper, Christine Garbett, Jenni Knezovich, Joyce Corcoran, Angela Thatcher, Brian Redmond, Nathan Wonnacott, Lu Sweet and Debbie Bullock. Also, former board members Colleen Beutel, Jessica Jidas, and Gina Hoogendoorn were instrumental in the beginning efforts of planning for the event.  

And lest we forget, the vision of Elmer Halseth, a science teacher, who simply wanted to pass on his appreciation of the arts to the students of Rock Springs High School by collecting art to hang in the classrooms; the direction of RSHS art teacher and the second director of the CFAC, Allen Keeney who brought in performances of music and dance; and Gregory Gaylor, artist and third CFAC director, who expanded the arts education for the youth in our community with school residencies with visiting artists and summer art programs. I have tried to fill the mission they established and my hope is that the Community Fine Arts Center continues another 50 years welcoming everyone to the world of art.

Debora Soule

Rock Springs


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