Jumping into physical fitness

There comes a time when a person realizes things can’t continue the way they have.

For me, that realization involves a need to become more physically active. I work at a job that, for the most part, is bound to my desk. I do go out for assignments, but the physical activity involved in what I do is fairly limited. Last Thursday drove that point home.

The first thought that I need to change my lifestyle came during a discussion I had with Pete Rust. Rust had stopped by to talk about a sports assignment I had given him and, as usually happens with a lot of people I talk with, the conversation devolves into more informal chat after the business at hand is covered. He told me about working out with his son and later playing a racquetball match in the same day -- which left me exhausted just thinking about that kind of physical activity.

A few hours later, I’m playing laser tag in Rock Springs during a friend’s birthday party and I’m quickly becoming aware of how physically fit I’m not. Short bursts of dashing in a small room, diving for cover and generally trying not to get shot, turns out to be a good measuring stick for how athletic a person is. Spoiler alert: I’m not.

After each 15-minute round, I returned to the party room winded and more sweaty than anyone probably had any right to be. The matches were fun, but clearly demonstrated that I should rethink how I’m living my life. Sitting in my car during the drive home, my legs were sore, I was physically exhausted and I was drinking enough to make investing in Arrowhead Water a sound decision.

I could just sit and complain about how old I’m getting and how I’m not a young teenager anymore, but that eventually becomes a copout, especially for someone in their early 30s.

People like Rust, as well as those in their 70s and 80s still competing in local running competitions prove age isn’t as large a factor as some would believe. Sure, the risk of injury does increase with age, but with proper care and diet, a person can remain active well into their golden years.

I bought a pass to the recreation center Friday and intend to use it as much as possible. If I work at it, I can be the kind of person who can be active for the next 30-40 years. Or, if anything else, maybe I won’t look so haggard after playing laser tag.


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