Shelter hosts its Vaccine clinic Sat.

The Green River Animal Shelter will host its biannual discounted vaccine clinic Saturday. The clinic will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the shelter on 80 E. Teton Blvd., and will be cash-only payment.

The Green River Animal Shelter is partnering with Castle Rock Veterinary Center for the event. Veterinarian Kevin O’Neall and his staff will administer the vaccinations. Vaccinations for cats and dogs will be done at the clinic and horse vaccinations will be available for purchase as well. All vaccinations will be offered to the public at half price.

“We strive to get every dog and cat vaccinated in Green River,” Castle Rock Veterinary Center staff member Kellen Owens said. “This is a really good option for low-income families and individuals.”

Animal control officers stressed the importance of getting pets vaccinated. Animal control officer Kim Wilkins said if pets go unvaccinated and come into contact with diseases, they can die.

“These diseases are 100 percent fatal, and all 100 percent preventative,” Wilkins said. “If you have shots, you don’t have to worry about it.”

Along with vaccinations, people will have a chance to purchase a city license for their pet. City tags are mandatory if a pet receives a rabies vaccination.

The Green River Animal Control will also microchip pets at the event. Animal control officers said microchips are convenient for pets that are lost, especially when the collar is lost or has come off somehow.

The pet can be tracked.

“Microchips allow for faster recovery for lost or stolen pets. You can lose collars, but you’re not going to lose microchips,” Animal control officer Tracy Wyant said. “It gets them home faster, long story short.”

Animal control officers suggest bringing dogs to the clinic on leashes, and cats in carriers or pillow cases. Wyant said bringing a cat in a pillow case has a calming effect on them, and can’t see the surroundings. The veterinarian can even make the vaccination injection through the pillow case.


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