Seniors had a busy year

Seniors in Green River were just as busy as other residents in 2015.

From Wii Bowling, pool, card games, jam sessions, writing classes, arts and crafts, Zumba, line dancing and dice games, to dinners, Farmer's Markets and craft fairs the Golden Hour Senior Center and the Mission at Castle Rock Rehabilitation Center and The Villa had a lot of their time occupied.

There is always something going on at the senior center and CRRC residents were busy this summer taking trips to Wyoming's Big Show and the Flaming Gorge Reservoir.

When they are not at their regular, weekly events, they were preparing for special events such as trick-or-treating at the CRRC or casino day trips to the GHSC.

Whatever the event, the seniors were bound to show up.

In an effort to educate local seniors about important issues, including Alzheimer's Disease, Medicare and Medicaid, health and fitness and scams, GHSC also hosted a bunch of classes, which were well attended.

The GHSC also hosted coffee breaks with Green River Mayor Pete Rust so residents could have the opportunity to talk to him about things happening in Green River.

When the center is not busy hosting programs, it was working on community events, including the huge Christmas Craft Fair it hosts to raise money for the center. During the craft fair, the center has venders from all over the county selling handmade goods. There is also live entertainment and the center sells lunches, raffles tickets and baked goods.

Residents at the CRRC participated in crafts, beach volleyball and noodle hockey. They also listened to gospel singers and watched numerous dance groups perform.

This year, both the GHSC and the CRRC sponsored a tree of sharing. The GHSC's tree had a lot of seniors names on it that just didn't have enough money to buy the simple things in life. Not only did they receive some of these items for Christmas this year, but they received a Christmas dinner.

All of the residents at the CRRC were asked what they would like for Christmas. With more than 50 residents names on the tree to pick from, GR residents responded with buying gifts for them and bringing them back to the center for the Christmas party. This gift-giving event ended 2015 in a special way for those seniors who might have needed it the most.


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