Santa leads the way

Toy run delivers 1,000 toys

The 25th annual motorcycle toy run was Sunday. Motorcyclists from the Flaming Gorge Harley-Davidson, Vietnam Vets, Legacy Vets M.C. and independent motorcyclists delivered about 1,000 toys to the Rock Springs Fire Station No. 1.

The variety of toys delivered includes games, monster trucks, match boxes, footballs, action figures, Legos, and more.

"We've got quite a variety here," Fire Chief Jim Wamsley said.

Wamsley said the amount of toys delivered by the motorcycle toy run was impressive. The number of motorcycles roaring through town was also impressive.

The crowd of motorcyclists roared their way out of Green River, from the Flaming Gorge Harley-Davidson shop, with Santa Claus on his motorcycle leading the group. Vietnam Veteran Bill Oleson has been leading the parade of motorcycles as Santa Claus for seven years now. Oleson says it is the spirit of Christmas.

"It's for the children, period. It isn't about the Vietnam Vets badge, it isn't about anything else; it's for the children," Oleson said. "It's really funny when you're going down the street. I don't care if the person is two years old or 82 years old, when they see Santa Claus, they smile."

Oleson and his wife Kathy live in Rock Springs but make the extra ride to Green River to lead the parade from there, every year.

This year, they said their ride over to Green River in the morning was a little cold. No matter what the temperature is for the toy run though, Santa Claus always leads the parade from its starting point, directly behind the fire truck.

"As long as the Vietnam Vets and Legacy Vets are still around, somebody will carry on that torch," Oleson said.


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