Green River Library has reworked teen section

Flying saucer shaped easy chairs. Dual-purpose footrest/side tables. Noodle chairs. Ready to visit the made-over teen section at the Sweetwater County Library yet? Teens now have a comfortable and brightly colored place to work, read, chat, and hang out at the library. There have been many changes in the young adult section in the past few months, and we hope to see many more as the teen advisory boards get up and running.

Teens are invited to come check out our dispenser of quotes, poems, and book recommendations. Anyone with an idea for a catchy name is welcome to suggest it, but for right now let’s go with The Dispenser of Wisdom! (Please read the preceding title in a loud, deep voice.) In April, The Dispenser of Wisdom was stocked with poems for National Poetry Month and for May we’re celebrating the following: Victorious Women Month, Photo Month, Latino Books Month, and Get Caught Reading Month with book recommendations and a few quotes thrown in. People will find some of the books on display in the teen space, even some books usually living at the White Mountain and Rock Springs branches are making an appearance.

For those who prefer to spend their library time hanging out and interacting with people rather than books, we’ll be rolling out a new selection of toys and games for the teen space.

So, if you’ve been jealous of the splendid toys in the children’s section (you have, admit it) you will now be able to head back and find some better suited for teens. Plus, our newest addition makes it easier to spend a few hours with your electronic devices back in the teen space. We now have a charging tower with nine outlets and six USB charging ports!

Whether you prefer interacting with books or people, if you’re in grades seven and eight or nine through 12, you are invited to join the teen advisory boards. Both the Middle School Advisory Board and High School Advisory Board meet twice in May -- May 7 and 14 and then start up again in August with one meeting per month. The MSAB will meet in the Lincoln Middle School library at 2:50 p.m. and the HSAB will meet in the Sweetwater County Library multi-purpose room at 6 p.m. The advisory boards will be responsible for meeting with the Young Adult Librarian to talk about activities, books, and programs they want to see at the library and assisting in the planning and execution. If it sounds interesting, but you’re not quite sure if you’ll have the time or inclination please come join us at one of the meetings in May where you can get some more information and try it out. And feel free to drop by the youth services desk and ask us any questions.

The month of May is also the calm before the storm of our summer reading program and some epic activities have been planned for middle school and high school students.

We hope you’ll join our pizza-fueled marathon of superhero movies on June 2 at noon for grades five through eight and 4-7:30 p.m. for grades nine through 12.

Stay tuned for a complete schedule of events and sign-ups at the end of May!


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