Monroe students learn how to deal with bullies

Driving down Monroe Avenue, one can't help but notice a "Bully Free Zone" sign outside of the Monroe Intermediate School sixth-grade campus.

The sign made out of red and blue dixie cups was put up last week by students and teachers after the students attended an assembly about bullying.

Although the sign has since been blown apart, the school is hoping the message it gave remains alive in the school.

"The kids were enthusiastic and creative in putting the design together," MIS Principal AJ Nathan said. "The kids were excited about being part of this positive message to fellow students, other schools, community and passers-by. The message is meant as a constant reminder to all students and also to raise awareness in our community on this subject."

Last Thursday, all MIS and Expedition Academy students gathered at the MIS fifth-grade campus to listen to a presentation from Keith Deltano. Deltano, an educational comedian who has served as a military police officer, public school teacher, youth leader, and private counselor, spoke on the topic of bullying. He told the students there are four types of bullying: physical, verbal, online and exclusion.

During the assembly, students roll played about how to deal with bullying by walking away, sticking together or seeking help from an adult.

"Students enjoyed the assembly as evidenced by applause for many points they agreed with Mr. Deltano about and laughter for his impression of kids their age and how they both bully and deal with bullying," Nathan said.

After the program, students were still talking about it. Many students accompanied their parents for a parent assembly on bullying, which took place Thursday night.

Students also participated in a no bullying pledge.

All of this is part of the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Program, which is designed to teach behavioral expectations in the same manner as any core curriculum subject.

"Rather than telling students what not to do, the school focuses on the preferred behaviors such as respect, responsibility, and safety," he said. "We are also focusing on specific character traits each month including, responsibility in January and caring in February."

The program is designed to help educate students and their parents about the different forms of bullying and how to implement strategies to stop or deal with the bullying.

"There isn't a school in the country that doesn't experience some level of bullying behaviors, but we feel confident in our school's delivery of programs that address social issues like bullying," Nathan said. "We work continuously to educate and protect our students. The assembly and message on the fence was an attempt to be proactive toward bullying not a reaction to any problems we have seen."

More information about Deltano and his programs can be found at


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