Coppolo leaves city council

Councilman leaves with four months left in term

Green River City Councilman Adam Coppolo submitted a letter of resignation to the Council according to Jeff Nieters, director of finance for the city.

The letter was not released to the newspaper. Nieters said the Council would formally have to accept the letter before it would be released. That won't occur until the Council's meeting Sept. 2.

Nieters said the Council has discussed how to address Coppolo's departure, as his term expires in December. Typically, when a vacancy is announced, the Council requests letters from residents interested in filling the term. The candidates are interviewed, with the Council selecting their preferred candidate. However, if the Council were to follow that route, a replacement would only serve the few months until the new councilman is placed.

However, the situation is somewhat unusual in that two candidates are currently vying for Coppolo's spot on the Council. The Nov. 4 election will decide if Ted Barney or Ted York will represent the residents living in Ward II next year. Nieters said selecting one of the two candidates prior to the election would result in one candidate having an advantage over the other.

Nieters said the Council may wait until the November election decides which candidate wins the seat. In that scenario, the Council would likely appoint the winner during the Nov. 18 meeting.


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